A Beginner’s Guide To Planting Tulips

Tulips are some of the first flowers to start sticking up above the ground in the spring, making them a welcome sign that warmer weather is on the way. They are extremely easy to care for, which is why they are a good choice for people who are new to gardening. They also come back year after year, allowing you to get a lot of enjoyment out of the money that you initially invest in bulbs.

The following guide for planting tulips will help give your bulbs the best chance for success:

Step #1 – Decide Which Tulips To Plant

The first part of the process is also one of the most exciting parts. This step involves picking out the specific types of tulips that you want to grow in your garden. These beautiful flowers are available in an incredibly diverse range of colors and styles. They also bloom during different times of the year, with some varieties sending up flowers first thing in the spring and others blooming a little bit later in the season.

Choose colors that work well with other plants in your garden and with the exterior colors of your home. If you are planting more than one type of tulip, you should also make sure the colors complement each other to create a cohesive look. You may want to mix together early-blooming and late-blooming bulbs to enjoy flowers for a longer period of time in the spring.

Step #2 – Choose The Right Location

Tulips do best in areas that get a lot of sun and that have dry, sandy soil. Plant your garden accordingly, thinking about which parts of your yard get the most sun during the early spring months. Avoid any areas where the soil is too wet. Tulip bulbs tend to rot in soil that is too moist.

Step #3 – Plant Them In The Fall

Like many bulbs, tulips are planted in the fall. In areas where wintertime temperatures get quite cold, you can generally plant them in September or October. If you live in a milder climate, however, you should wait until November or December to put them in the ground. If you plant them too soon, they could wind up sprouting before winter sets in, which is bad news. It is important to wait long enough that you are sure the weather won’t warm-up until the following spring.

Step #4 – Properly Prepare The Soil And Put Them In The Ground

Once you have picked out your tulips and waited until the perfect time to plant them, the last step is to actually put them in the ground. Begin by turning the soil to loosen it up. Most tulip bulbs should be planted at depths of anywhere from about 6 to 8 inches. The hole should be about three times as deep as the bulb. Place the bulb in the hole with the point facing up and the flat side toward the ground. Once the bulbs are covered back up with soil, you can then finish the process by watering them.

This beginner’s guide to planting tulips should give you all the information you need to create a beautiful garden next spring.